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Who Hires Federal Defense Attorneys?

As of January 2019, according to data available from the Department of Justice, the kinds of cases that are most prosecuted are immigration crimes (at

The First Step Act

At the end of 2018, President Trump signed into law the First Step Act, which is the largest criminal justice reformation act in a generation.

Decrease in White Collar Prosecutions

Despite the headlines that seem to focus on political misconduct and white collar crimes, federal statistics report that white collar criminal prosecutions are actually on

Separate Sovereignty or Double Jeopardy?

One of the more interesting things about criminal law in the U.S. is the concept of dual sovereignty. That means that both state and federal

Dementia and the Death Penalty

The death penalty is one of the largest sources of litigation and Supreme Court examination in criminal law. The Eighth Amendment has a strict prohibition

Do Gag Orders Help Those on Trial?

On Friday, February 15, 2019, a federal judge imposed a gag order in the case of Roger Stone, the Republican political consultant who was recently

Prison Reform – Start at the Front

The American Civil Liberties Union has always been a stalwart defender of basic human and civil rights in the United States. Recently, it has created